Are you looking to make your school playground more fun for all students? What better way to do so than investing in new, exciting playground equipment from Setter Play?

Our team of experts can help you to get the most out of your school playground equipment – making life easier for students and staff alike.

  1. Use all available space

No matter how big or small your playground is, we can make the most of the space available. Spreading equipment out across the schoolyard will make it functional and accessible for everyone but will also reduce accidents and injuries.

Having an ‘out of bounds’ area can encourage misbehaviour and plays on the curiosity of children – which is why we recommend using all the space to create one big play area

  1. Incorporate sports equipment

Childhood obesity and mental health issues have reached an all-time high, here in the UK, but Setter Play can help you to tackle the problem with school playground equipment.

Sports and Fitness Pitch from Setter Play UK

We make outdoor play more enjoyable and promote health and fitness from an early age by providing Multi-Use Game Areas (MUGA).

Our all-weather sports pitches can be used all year round and are great for netball, basketball and football, not forgetting track and field and cricket.

  1. Accommodate all weathers

Children spend so much time indoors – why not take the classroom outside?  Outdoor learning not only boosts the behaviour of students but also keeps pupils interested and focused. As long as children have the right clothing, you can take the lesson outside, come rain or shine.

Rubber mulch, wet pour and artificial grass are all safety surfaces that can be installed to your playground, so you needn’t worry about children slipping or falling over in wet conditions.

  1. Encourage inclusive play

At Setter Play, we design, manufacture and install school playground equipment to meet the requirements of all school children.

We make sure that your playground is stimulating – encouraging everyone to get involved and allowing them to develop important skills such as communication and teamwork.

All our play units are created to provide a suitable challenge for your students. They have the opportunity to test their physical and mental strength and improve their agility and balance, whilst socialising with peers and using their imagination.

  1. Create zones

Innovative school playground equipment can boost the behaviour of most children. Splitting the playground up can increase physical activity, decrease bullying and prevent injuries too.

To get the most out of your playground, make sure that there are quiet areas with sheltered seating. We supply a wide selection of benches and canopies which can be used by teachers or pupils and are perfect for break and lunchtimes.

Need to know more about how to get the most out of your school playground equipment? Call us on 01462 817 538 today and we will be more than happy to help and advise you.