Children's Play Equipment, Elemental Range


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Lumberjack is a giant climbing unit in the style of Hambridge, but based on Crackerjack, the popular multi age group climber from the fundamental range. Lumberjack has been designed to be a key example of how the Elemental range provides enormous play value at surprising prices.

The unit is 85% timber meaning it is priced sensibly and also has a very low carbon footprint, as well as looking elegant and natural. It provides a play feature that, in any other material, would dominate an area, however the materials and skeletal design mean that this large structure fits in without being an eyesore.

The activities vary massively across the four decks of the Lumberjack; more accessible lower level activities lead to the lower decks, with challenging rope bridges linking up to the higher decks. These decks are also accessible through more challenging means, like a large rope traverse, and there is a a exciting fireman’s pole down from the tallest deck.

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