Children's Play Equipment, Fundamental Range


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Jellystone is a three tower play unit which is a combines the towers of Skylark and Zoiks by linking them together with challenging physical activities. The triangular 900mm platform is accessible by chunky rungs or a cargo net, which then lead you to the overhead ladder. The ladder is ideal for both physical development, as it assists with core strength and grip and grasp, and mental development, as it takes often takes persistence and courage to make it the whole way across.

Once across to another 900mm deck, there are more climbing activities, as well as a step up to the first 1200 platform.  This is connected to another 1200mm deck, which features a challenging cargo net, as well as a stainless steel slide as the route of descent.

The Jellystone is designed so as to provide a lot of play value in a relatively small configuration, and requires 65m2 of safety surfacing.

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